Ray and Marv came up from Florida for another three days of fishing. They had some specific goals in mind and we met them all! First day was for quantity and the duo landed 30-40 rat reds on mud minnows under corks. Second day was sight fishing on the flats where we saw tons of backs and tails crushing bait in the skinny water. These fish had a preference for cracked blue crab and we caught reds up to 9lbs. Third day was docks where we managed to dredge out fish up to ten pounds. A great run!
Ray came to town for his 9th trip during which we fish three days in a row. Once again the weather cooperated and more importantly so did the fish! Caught a full mix of reds, trout and flounder. His son, Adam, joined us for the first time and showed that it was in the family blood as he caught reds up to 12lbs!
The charter began as the tide just turned and started falling. Fished the duration of the trip with popping corks and mud minnows. Wherever we could find current and bait, the corks kept dropping as reds and trout kept hitting. Highlight was this 8lb red that ate so close to the boat we could literally see it rise up and inhale the minnow!
Fishing had been steady out of the gates with lots of smaller reds and trout. All that changed quickly when Mark’s cork dropped and the drag started humming! What I thought would be a nice redfish made us all do a double take when it turned out to be a 22″ trout. One of the biggest so far this year. Great job!